首页» 人才培养» 博士生» 2015级
发布时间:2019-01-31     浏览量:


 姓名: 沈石

 专业: 地图学与地理信息系统

 电子邮箱: shens@mail.bnu.edu.cn


 20159至今 博士在读生


 导师:程昌秀 教授


 2011920137 硕士



        导师:赵明 副教授

 20079-20117 本科






  1. Shen, S., Ye, S., Cheng, C., Song, C., Gao, J., Yang, J., … Zhang, T. (2018). Persistence and corresponding time scales of soil moisture dynamics during summer in the babao river basin, northwest china. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123(17), 8936–8948. doi:10.1029/2018JD028414

  2. Shen, S., Cheng, C., Yang, J., & Yang, S. (2018). Visualized analysis of developing trends and hot topics in natural disaster research. PLOS ONE, 13, 1–15.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0191250

  3. Shen, S., Cheng, C., Song, C., Yang, J., Yang, S., Su, K., … Chen, X. (2018). Spatial distribution patterns of global natural disasters based on biclustering. Natural Hazards, 92, 1809–1820. doi:10.1007/s11069-018-3279-y

  4. Shen, S., Shen, Z., & Zhao, M. (2017). Big data monitoring system design and implementation of invasive alien plants based on wsns and webgis. Wireless Personal Communications, 4251–4263. doi:10.1007/s11277-017-4723-0

  5. Shen, S., Murzintcev, N., Song, C., & Cheng, C. (2017). Information retrieval of a disaster event from cross-platform social media. Information Discovery and Delivery, 45, 220–226. doi:10.1108/IDD-01-2017-0003

  6. Shen, S., Cheng, C., Su, K., Yang, J., & Yang, S. (2016). Quantitative visualization about differences between scientists concerned nature disasters and historic events. In 2016 international conference on behavioral, economic and socio-cultural computing (besc) (pp. 1–6). doi:10.1109/BESC.2016.7804495

  7. 沈石, 欧阳海鹰, 陈柏松, & 孙英泽. (2014). 信息技术在美丽乡村建设中的作用及对策. 农业网络信息, (10), 24–27.


  1. 2018中国地理信息科学理论与方法学术年会最佳学生论文,

  2. 2017.北京师范大学学业一等奖学金

  3. 2016北京师范大学学业一等奖学金

  4. 2016北京师范大学减灾与应急管理研究院学术竞赛论文一等奖

  5. 2011中国农业大学学业一等奖学金

  6. 2008中国农业大学优秀学生干部